
dynamically diagnosing the human periodontium and the dental implant-bone interface

Periotest-Normalwerte bei mesial-exzentrischer Meßrichtung und beim liegenden Probanden.

D. LUKAS, W. SCHULTE, A. BÖCKLER, G. RENTSCHLER, (Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Parodontologie)

Wenn die orthoradiale Periotestmessung im Seitenzahngebiet erschwert ist, kann meist auf eine mesial-exzentrische Messrichtung ausgewichen werden. Häufig ist es auch rationeller die Periotestmessung im Seitenzahnbereich am liegenden Patienten vorzunehmen. Untersucht wurde deshalb, wie sich die Periotest-Normalwerte ändern, wenn von der Standardmethode in der beschriebenen Weise abgewichen wird.

High-speed filming of the Periotest measurement

LUKAS, D., SCHULTE, W., (Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Parodontologie),
KÖNIG, M., REIM, M. Fraunhofer-Institute of Information and Data Processing, Karlsruhe, Germany

J Clin Periodontol 19, 388-391 (1992). call for reprints(

Periotest; klinische beweglichkeit; lockerung; messungen an patienten; zahn;; Percussion; Movement; Methods

Periodontal disease may be diagnosed with the Periotest technique, which involves electronically controlled and reproducible percussion of tooth. The movement on percussion was investigated with high-speed film and then compared with the return of teeth after static deflection for several seconds as has been reported previously by Lukas and Scholz. The elastic and viscous properties of the periodontium and the surrounding bony tooth socket are to a large extent non-linear. The 10 - 20 micro-meters deflection of the healthy tooth represents only a fraction of static tooth mobility published by Parfitt or Schulte et al. The visco-elastic properties of a healthy tooth enabling the percussion of the Periotest tapping head to be decelerated in less than 1 ms are largely lost in periodontitis. It is this essential difference which the Periotest method utilizes.

The Periotest method

SCHULTE, W., LUKAS, D., (Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Parodontologie),

Int Dent J 42, 433-440 (1992). call for reprints(

Periotest; Methods; damping

The Periotest is a new instrument for the diagnosis of periodontal diseases. The 'Periotest value' depends to some extent on tooth mobility, but mainly on the damping characteristics of the periodontium. The Periotest measures the reaction to a reproducible impact applied to the tooth crown. The Periotest value is a biophysical parameter. The Periotest value is generally not elevated with infection of the gingivaeas this is no periodontal destruction

Periotest to monitor osseointegration and to check the occlusion in oral implantology

SCHULTE, W., LUKAS, D., (Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Parodontologie),

J Oral Implantol XIX, 23-32 (1993). call for reprints(

Periotest; Osseointegration; Methods; implant; osseo integration; occlusal

This paper reports on Periotest, its technique's history and its possible applications. Periotest is a new diagnostic method, developed by an interdisciplinary research group embracing dentists, physicists, mathematicians and computer engineers. Periotest will - apart from periodontal questions -mainly assist oral implantology

Periotest - a Dynamic Procedure for the Diagnosis of the Human Periodontium

LUKAS, D., SCHULTE, W., (Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Parodontologie)

Clin Phys Physiol Meas 11, 65-75 (1990). call for reprints(

Periotest; Human; Methods; damping; klassifkation; klinische beweglichkeit; Normalwerte; zchirpar

Periotest is a new method for the diagnosis of periodontal diseases. The periotest value depends also on tooth mobility, but mainly on the damping characteristics of the periodontium. Periotest measures the reaction upon a reproducible impact against the tooth crown. The periotest value is in itself a biophysical parameter, such as the blood pressure.The results show, that the periotest procedure is an objective and quick diagnosis procedure for the human periodontium, suitable for the dentist's routine. at monitoring of therapy or at follow-up controls the periotest is able to avoid some of the radiographies and therefore to diminish the dosage of x-radiation to the patient. The periotest values and the contact time t0 correlate closely with the tooth mobility, but they don't represent the result of a measurement of tooth mobility. The periotest values are biophysical parameters by themselves.

Weiteres Schrifttum zu / additional references on PERIOTEST

Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie (1996-XII-15.)